![]() 11/09/2017 at 13:06 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
[mod edit] Root whine after the jump
Really - the most useless types of white people, ranked? Am I the only one who feels like if you can’t substitute black for white and white for black without being called a racist, you probably shouldn’t publish this shit?
I come here to get away from this shit, not to have Gawker constantly “suggesting” it to me.
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The Gawkerverse is built on hatred. It’s why I don’t click over there.
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Its the root. Not surprised
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After the jump please. Seriously, this needs a new lead image a politics warning and content after the jump.
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Ok first off this is why we have a rule against inter-kinja shit stirring. If you don’t like it, don’t come here to complain about it.
Secondly, racism literally kills black people. What you claim is racism against white people (calling certain types of us “useless,” the horror) does nothing but chap some asses. No one’s using any of those alleged white stereotypes to justify oppression, because we’re not oppressed on the basis of race.
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If you clicked, the headline worked.
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Sorry, was this your first time reading a Root article?
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Eventually we’ll arrive at a place of Meta-Hate. A Nirvana for politicians and the media where we can’t even remember why we hate each other in the first place.
Eurasia has always been at war with Eastasia.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 13:23 |
What exactly are you trying to accomplish here
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responses remind me of
“Angry White Boy Polka” by Weird Al :]
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That the headline alone is stupid as hell, as is the article that follows. All they’re going to do is setup themselves up for responses from trolls.
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I feel like you didn’t read the list. Also I have an addendum:
11. The “Why is it OK for black people to do it but when white people do it they would get called racist” guy.
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the “trolls”
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Says he comes here to get away from this shit, then reposts the same shit.
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Thanks for the edit. There’s really no reason for that here, even if you do want to show off how quickly you can think of a racist troll response.
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That video kills me. JUST FLOOR IT ALREADY!
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It’s from the Root.
Everyone knows they are allowed to be prejudiced over there.
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We are all equally worthless.
Fuck race baiting.
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[mod edit] Root whine after the jump
Best part of this post.
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Well, in fairness, they did also write an article about how black men are the white people of black people. Clickbait is as clickbait does.
But now I have to wonder where do white people black men rank for utility?
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I’m a prick, what can I say? And really their article alone is one big trolling comment in itself.
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Always hated the “Why is it OK when...” argument.
Why are we assuming it’s OK?
Are you arguing that it is OK, or not OK?
Why does University of Oklahoma call themselves OU, but their fight song says OKU?
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Maybe you just haven’t been paying attention, but a certain segment of our society has been hating people for no reason for a while. The most chilling theme of 1984 is how most of society was completely blind to what was going on around them.
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Why is it OK for Ford to make the Mustang but when Honda does it they call it the Accord Coupe?
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What’s the difference between shit stirring and just whining about a thing you saw? Providing a link vs. not providing one?
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Last I knew, inter-Kinja sharing was OK here as long as one provides their own commentary on the article rather than just sharing directly. OP has done as such. Even if you disagree with the content you should respect their right to post it.
And having a tougher go at life shouldn’t excuse ANYONE from Being Excellent To Each Other. Articles like what was OP has referenced don’t exactly add anything constructive to the fight for civil equality. There is a way present issues you have about specific attitudes regarding race without disparaging white people.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 14:19 |
Did a mod just call someone opinion whiny? That’s not your fucking call. You’re here to be an impartial enforcer of the rules. Not to force your viewpoint into other people’s post. Do your fucking job.
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Of course the mod edit calls it whining, instead of being more professional. Our over lords hate opposing opinions, unless of course my sarcasm meter is t working in which case, please overlook my stupidity.
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It appears to be okay because nobody said shit about the Root article and then when someone finally did they got called whiny and a mod took it upon themselves to edit the article to fit their OPINION.
Quit the rhetoric when someone with more authority than they should clearly have starts changing other people’s posts according to their beliefs or mood instead of just by the rules they’re in place to enforce.
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Are you implying some people in certain positions of power may be breaking certain oppo guidelines?
I am shocked. That’s never happened on oppo.
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Ha! Never seen this one before, it’s quite fantastic.
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is it NOT whiny?
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I don’t believe it is. But that’s my opinion. Which everyone is allowed to have. And Mods shouldn’t edit posts according to theirs’. Which is my point. Which you missed.
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I’m not talking about sharing, I’m talking about shitstirring, which was do in fact have a rule about as well.
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Either way, coming to oppo to whine about posts elsewhere is annoying and shitstirry. Just suck it up and say it there if you’ve got such an issue.
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Actually we took a very official poll and determined it was in fact Whiny, so clearly it is our call.
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The very fact that you snark at me when I bring up the questionable (at best) behavior and stance you’ve taken as a mod is beyond concerning. If what you’ve said is true then we’ve got much bigger problems here than I even thought.
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The very fact that you take this so seriously is concerning.
Also I didn’t even make the edit but it’s cute that you assumed so.
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Well in all fairness, it sounds like something you’d say.
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Also, you’re the first one to respond to me. So I assumed you were taking credit for your clever work.
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I hate everyone.
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Ok real question here for someone to answer. How do people become Oppo mods? Is there some sort of election or is it whoever got here first/posts the most?
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We’re living in an era where An Idiocracy is a documentary, 1984 is non-fiction, a nuclear threat is once again looming in out minds, and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas is not just entertaining but seen as actually relatable by high-school students.
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it IS whining, its not an opinion, whether that whining has merit is up for debate, but youre too caught up in the world being against you to see it.
there’s nothing wrong with whining, thats a solid 30% of oppo.
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the same as in every other forum of the internet. people who volunteer and are deemed appropriate by the admin.
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The worlds not against me. I mean it is but fuck it, it gives me something to do when I wake up in the morning to go out and fight the good fight. I think it’s very interesting how you’re still ignoring the point about how a mod changed a post based solely on their personal belief.
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yeah, it violated the clearly stated rules, lucky it wasn’t just deleted.
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This! This is why I come here!
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I have to use a lead image and warning when the screenshot (and story) is from jalopnik?
So whatever your reason, why doesn’t Gawker (or Univision or whoever the hell they are now) offer us the same courtesy?
They don’t, and that’s the whole point.
In fact, that other post has taken this thing full circle.
btw, I take no issue with the “Root whine” edit. That was well played, and I was away from my computer - you do what you have to do.
However, I disagree this is even politics. This is just treating people decently. And my original point (and For Sweden’s, too) remains that if it’s not OK for a white guy to write a post like this about black folks, how in the hell is it OK for black guy to write a post like this about white folks?
And if it’s not OK, why should I just quietly put up with it?
If it’s not OK, why do I have to put up with it on MY EFFING CAR BLOG.
If it’s NOT ok, what does that say about the editors of my blog?
I mean, as shitty as Autoblog is, I don’t have put up with this crap over there. Car and Driver, Road and Track - none of them hawk this kind of bullshit. Why does Jalopnik - who claims to be about the cult of cars - always bring up this kind of crap?
I don’t care if you have a Land Cruiser or a Volvo. I don’t care if you are FWD or RWD. I don’t care if you’re FI or NA.
And I certainly don’t care what color it is.
But Jalopnik (or at least their overlords) seems to want me to be keenly aware of the color of the human behind the wheel.
And I’m about as tired as I can get of that duplicity.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:26 |
Sorry to hear I mod editing while you were away, but this idea of politically sensitive post needing to be after the jump is old news. If you didn’t think this was politically sensitive...come on. Really?
Also I want to make it quiet clear this isn’t a content edit. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, here or in the other posts like this exact one. In the future just follow the rule that if you think its going to cause a shitstorm in the comments, just do us a favor and put it after the jump.
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I don’t mind the editing - I was away. And seriously - that was a good joke. None of that bothers me. I have a job. I don’t just sit here and monitor every post. I was shocked to see that many comments.
And I’ll verify that you didn’t change the content in case anyone is still wondering. No beef there.
But yeah, I don’t see this as a political issue unless racism is now a political issue. It’s about being decent to one another.
In fact, the fact that this has blown up just highlights my point.
We have rules in Oppo about how we treat one another. Why doesn’t the front page need to follow similar rules?
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Cause the FP isnt oppo. They made that VERY clear in the divorce not long ago. We run our ship and they run theirs. And yeah, race is politically charged. Or rather than use the word politics, highly sensitive and almost guaranteed to start a comment shit storm.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 18:39 |
Your point is good, but eventually it’s like chastising Germans in the 1990s for what the Nazis did in the 1940s. Yes, that’s an oversimplification because our First Amendement keeps letting people like Richard Spencer rally his band of nutjobs. (The Germans have tight controls over Nazi propaganda)
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:16 |
It’s actually not at all like that. The Germans were invaded and faced consequences for their actions. The guys in charge were hunted down and later executed. Many of the police/politicians/judges in the post Reconstruction South who subjugated and killed blacks were never punished for their crimes. Black men are still imprisoned at a much higher rate than any other group whereas Germans aren’t still locking up Jews. If German Jews were being imprisoned at higher rates than non Jews amd unarmed Jews were being killed by German police every other month, then I think it would be prudent to criticize modern Germans for their treatment of Jews.
However, I definitely would never tell a Holocaust survivor that they can’t criticize Germany because it was a long time ago. That would be a pretty disgusting thing to do.
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The front page is a business. They do what’s good for business and how they operate is none of our business. Because Oppo is not a business.
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I’ve been attacked for being black at rock concerts. I’ve had cops pull their guns on me because I was out late at night. That shit is by no means a thing of the past.
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Brewster is that you?
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Not quite
![]() 11/10/2017 at 03:54 |
It’s not so bad. Just avoid the Root and you’ll be fine. Mostly.
![]() 11/13/2017 at 18:17 |
I did not volunteer for this shit